United for Bud & Terencer

Welcome to the Spencerhill Universe

The Spencerhill universe is huge. For over 20 years, so many fans have been collecting information on the subject and making it available to anyone interested.

Our goal is to preserve and share the great cultural contribution our idols made to the development of the film and music industries of the last century. This information and the enjoyment of the films should be accessible to everyone, young and old, thus keeping the huge fan community cohesive and making it ever larger.

The Bulldozers aims to always devise and implement new initiatives to pay tribute to Bud & Terence's work and to make sure that the Spencerhill Festival, after the 2025 edition keeps being free and accessible to all.

Every member of The Bulldozers will always be informed and involved in the cultural activities of the association and will always have the opportunity to make a contribution.

Every member will receive every issue of the semi-annual magazine "Double Trouble," the official fanzine of our community where one can discover many interesting facts about our idols and stay informed about all community activities.

Every member will also enjoy 10% discount for purchases in the official fan-shop and discounts during the big events we organize.

The Spencerhill Family is waiting for you. Become one of us now!


Join The Bulldozers